The STEP UP project is dedicated to empowering migrant women by providing them with a progressive array of skills. These skills encompass employability skills, cross-cutting competencies, communication skills, teamwork abilities, self-confidence, innovation, and sustainability mindset. Furthermore, the project seeks to instill an understanding of the value of lifelong learning opportunities among its participants. 

Within the STEP UP development program, migrant women will receive personalized support tailored to their specific needs. This support will be provided by trained staff equipped with the appropriate competencies. 

The project introduces an innovative approach to boost the motivation of migrant women to engage in upskilling opportunities. This approach utilizes an entrepreneurial mindset and sustainability skills as a novel means of identifying and screening skills. The primary goal of the project is to create and test an all-encompassing learning program that aids migrant women in enhancing their employability skills. Simultaneously, it raises their awareness of the significance of upskilling opportunities and advances their progress toward skills recognition and qualifications. 

With this proposal, the partners intend to: 

  • Enhance the readiness of adult educators to collaborate with migrant women and comprehend their unique challenges and requirements. 
  • Develop new methods for supporting migrant women in showcasing their skills, ultimately leading to improved qualifications and job prospects. 
  • Provide high-quality learning opportunities to enhance women’s competencies, making them more competitive in today’s job market. 
  • Present a fresh approach to skills assessment using EU-level and widely recognized frameworks, making it easier to assess and observe skills. 
  • Strengthen the partners’ ability to address the obstacles preventing migrant women from accessing upskilling and educational opportunities. 
  • Expand the partners’ offerings in lifelong learning by preparing the STEP UP program and skills assessment. 
  • Enhance educators’ capacity to blend both formal and non-formal educational elements, offering a more flexible and tailored approach specifically designed for migrant women. 